I love travel quotes. Are these some of the best travel quotes of all time? You will have to decide. These are just a few of my favorites.
Why do I love travel quotes so much?
When I read these memorable inspirational travel quotes I am reminded of experiences I had and emotions I felt on past adventures, and it fuels my wanderlust for more travel.
See, I do not believe that we were meant to live a mediocre life, and these quotes clarify what I believe to be true about living adventurously and joyfully. These quotes from famous travelers and the beautiful images that accompany them capture little moments that change us.
The thing about people who travel is that we all “get it.” We may look different from one another, but we are all beautifully connected by our love for travel and our understanding of how important new experiences are to our own personal growth.
Below you will find some of my favorite travel quotes with shareable images. You are more than welcome to share these image quotes on your own Pinterest or Instagram accounts.
Paris is always a good idea. Audrey Hepburn

When I lived in Germany some friends and I rode on a train to France. It was my first time in a sleeper train car, and I was sort of nervous. I think I slept with my bag under the cover with me, because I was worried about thieves. But I was so tired I just crashed. It was the coolest thing. I went to sleep in one country and woke up in Paris! Paris is truly a magical city.
Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before. Dalai Lama

I have friends who like to vacation in the same spot year after year. Maybe they always go to the beach right when school ends, or they have a house at the lake. Me? I like to see new places. I always learn something new about myself each time I venture out of my comfort zone.
I took that picture in the image above last summer when we visited Yellowstone National Park for the first time. There is a special excitement that is reserved only for surprises and seeing something for the first time. If you are interested in Yellowstone, check out my 7 Day Wild West Adventure series.
Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller. Ibn Battuta

Each destination has a story, if we will train our ear to listen. The mountains have always spoken to me. One year toward the end of college I spent the summer as a backpacking guide in Colorado. I saw mountains that you can only get to by foot or horseback. It was beautiful wilderness country!
Many times our stories begin with, “Do you remember that trip….?”
You have to take the trip to tell the story. Where will you go this year?
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. Augustine of Hippo

This is the way I feel when I am having a conversation with someone who has never left his or her hometown. There is a whole world out there just waiting for us to get off the couch and explore!
Traveling is good for our souls in so many ways. I lived in Germany for four years back when the dollar still went really far over there, so I was able to travel some around Europe. I lived four hours from where “The Sound of Music” was filmed in Austria. I could easily drive to historic castles and cathedrals, the ski slopes, and quaint little villages, and I still consider living there one of the highlights of my life.
I grew personally while there, and I learned to understand and respect people from other cultures. This led to me becoming a certified English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and attend a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic church. I would have missed all of this if I had never traveled.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER. Mark Twain

At the end of my life I want to look back and know that I made a difference in the world. I want to have precious memories of adventures with loved ones or even alone.
I don’t want to be that girl who sits on the pool deck afraid to get wet because it will mess up her makeup. I want to be the one who does a flip off the diving board. I want to take risks and live with abandon. I want to have no regrets!
Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some of the best hiking experiences my husband and I have had are when we do not follow the most traveled path. We spend our honeymoon in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The Smokies are awesome!
However, the week we were scheduled to be there was during a government shut-down. So many roads and trails were closed, and there were no rangers on duty. Because of this we ended up exploring some lesser known trails.
One time we asked some locals where we could see a waterfall (always ask the locals for advice), and they directed us to a beautiful waterfall we had never seen on the map. It was actually over the border into North Carolina, and we would have never known about it had we stuck to the same trails everyone else follows.
Not all those who wander are lost. J.R.R. Tolkien

Sometimes our lives can so overly planned that we miss hidden treasures found only when we are leisurely wandering around just enjoying our surroundings.
Sometimes the ones who are lost are the ones who never wander. All who wander are not lost; some are right where they should be.
I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. Mary Anne Radmacher

I have spent many weeks nestled in a green valley surrounded by mountains in North Carolina at a fabulous youth camp called Windy Gap. It is a beautiful place, and there is a night towards the end of each week where they send everyone out to just sit by themselves in silence for about 15 minutes to talk to God or just think.
During this time they turn off all the lights except for the emergency lights, and when they do there are literally millions of bright stars visible in the night sky. Many of the kids there are from the city and have never actually seen stars like this at night.
It is awe inspiring to think that someone on the other side of the world might also be sitting out on a similar grassy hill looking at those same stars and maybe talking to God like me.
We may all be very different, but wherever we travel the same moon shines on me you as it does on me.
And then there is the most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want, on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. Randy Komisar

I have found that when I think about how to afford travel there always seems to be something else pressing that requires my money. When you are working on your budget for the year always make at least one trip a priority, and then don’t dip into that saved money for anything else!
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books. John Lubbock

This seems like a strange quote for a school teacher to like, but I was an outdoor recreation major in college and love being outdoors in nature. I do love books, but there are some things that you can only learn from new traveling experiences and being outdoors.
I hope you enjoyed these travel quotes and that they have fired you up a little bit more about the importance of travel and helped feed your wanderlust!
Check out some of my travel blog posts and let me know your thoughts below. I’d love to hear from you! Now go live your adventure!