
Tag Archives: declutter

Ways to practice self care when staying at home

As we have all recently been instructed to be “safe at home” to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, many of us have found ourselves with an unexpected gift of more time to take care of ourselves. I don’t know about you, but before all this started I was so busy that I never got enough sleep, my house was a mess, and my to-do list was a mile long.

As a full time teacher and blogger I was in survival mode counting the days until spring break and did not even think twice about putting self-care practices on the back burner. It seemed like I was running 90 miles an hour every day then suddenly Bam! Everything just stopped. My schedule instantly cleared, and I had time to think about me again.

Maybe while we are all staying at home, we can start some new habits that we can carry with us when this social distancing time ends. A crazy frantic lifestyle takes a toll on our lives in many ways that we do not notice at first. It is vitally important that we take care of ourselves. So now or any time you should not neglect self-care, and here’s why:

Why You Should Practice Self-Care

Stress Management

We sometimes need a little bit of stress in the form of adrenaline to motivate us to meet a deadline or finish a task, but constant stress and anxiety can negatively affect both your mental and physical health.

Work Life Balance

Our society seems to reward workaholism, but overwork creates stress, exhaustion, and isolation. Spending all of your time and energy on work can actually make you less productive, forgetful, and disorganized. Working too much leaves us emotionally depleted and can create relational problems at work and at home too. In addition, too much stress can lead to a myriad of health problems from heart disease to obesity to anxiety and depression.

You Are Worth It

Self-care is an important way to have a healthy relationship with yourself. You are worth it! So treat yourself with respect and kindness, and avoid self-criticism.

Taking care of yourself gives you positive feelings and can boost your confidence. Healthy self-esteem is attractive to others, so when you take care of yourself your relationships with others improve as well. Having healthy boundaries reminds you and others that your needs are important too. You will be no good to anyone if you are living on the edge. The best thing you can give to others is a healthy you.

Carve out some “me time” in your day.
(image credit: Unsplash)

10 Simple Self Care Habits You Can Begin Now

1. Write it Down

Start a Gratitude Journal
(image credit: Unsplash)

Have you ever kept a journal? I don’t mean the Dear Diary stuff of middle school girls. I mean your hopes, dream, and goals. Start a gratitude journal. Start today by listing the first ten things you can think of that you are thankful for today. Then do that again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. Before you know it this habit will change your outlook on your whole life.

What about your goals? Lots of people make a To Do list each day, but now is a great time to think about your dreams and long term goals. What do you want your life to look like 10 years from now? What do you want to see happening in the different areas of your life? Write it down.

Then work backwards and make shorter term goals until you have your daily To Do list. Actually putting the thoughts on paper with a set plan gives you a clear focus and helps you stay on track. We are all adjusting to a weird new normal, even if it is temporary. Set a regualr routine and plan your day in writing.

In addition to things we are grateful for and goals write down your ideas. How many times have you had a creative thought pop into your head, and you think to yourself, “That is a great idea. I need to do that,” but then as soon as you focus on something else the thought is forgotten. Have a work idea, a home decorating idea, a writing or song idea? Keep a tablet out on your desk or kitchen counter at home, and every time you think of something you don’t want to forget, write it down.

2. Improve Your Sleep Habits

Develop good sleep habits.

Now is not the time to start staying up until all hours watching Netflix then sleeping during the day. Now is a great time to catch up on lost sleep and begin a healthy bedtime routine that will last when life returns to normal again.

Make it your aim to go to bed and get up at the same time each day, even on the weekends if you can. During the day make sure you are getting enough natural sunlight either outdoors or through a window when you can, as this helps regulate your body clock and sleep rythyms. I admit that I do not follow this advice all the time, but experts say that it is best to avoid screen time an hour before bedtime. More tips on improving sleep can be found here on my website.

3. Move Some Everyday

Get Moving!
(image credit: Unsplash)

There are so many benefits to being physically active. You do not have to be an athlete or a gym rat. Any way that you can incorporate more movement into your daily life will make a difference. Being active reduces stress by raising the endorphin levels (those “feel good” hormones) in your brain, boosting your mood, and decreasing anxiety.

Instead of making you tired, even minimal exercise actually increases your energy levels, keeps you alert, helps you focus mentally, and helps you sleep better. Now that you are home more experiment with different ways to add physical movement and activity to your day and find something you like that you can stick with long term.

Get outside when you can. Walk the dog, ride a bike, participate in an exercise class online, clean the house, anything that gets you moving. For a video on exercises you can try at home check out my post on losing weight.

4. Give Back

I know it seems odd for me to include this one under a heading of self care. But volunteering our time, energy, and money to help others keeps us from becoming self-focused in an unhealthy way. It will make you feel good to help others in need, and it can sometimes be a great way to meet others – even virtually.

Giving to others helps foster an attitude of gratitude as we see others who are less fortunate. Volunteering with your spouse can even help your marriage! Donate financially to your church or a charity or non-profit that you believe in. Volunteer to read to a child online or offer to tutor someone.

Find ways that you can assist a non-profit organization from home. Maybe offer to make phone calls or send e-mails. I’m not talking about work tasks. Take time to do something that you do not have to do or feel obligated to do but something that you want to do to help someone else.

5. Connect With Others

Having positive healthy relationships in our lives is just as important as our physical health. Staying at home all the time, even if you are not alone, can feel lonely. Just because you are practicing physical distancing does not mean that you have to be socially distant. Use this time to reach out to people you’ve been meaning to check on. Use creative technology to keep in touch with friends, co-workers, family, and others to help you feel connected and supported.

I have never been on so many Zoom video calls as I have in the last two weeks! Through the wonder of video technology I have participated in a school faculty meeting, a Sunday school class, a church small group meeting, a blog mentoring coaching call, a choir meeting, and even a voice lesson all online. But whether it is through video, a phone call, or a text message be proactive in reaching out to others.

6. Cook More

Since we are not going out to eat in restaurants right now many people are rediscovering how fun and relaxing cooking can be. Many times during a typical busy work week we don’t plan out meals well and end up not taking the time to prepare our own food.

Now is the perfect time to try out that new recipe and get creative in the kitchen. If you are looking for inspiration I try to post a new recipe on my blog each week. I am a busy person and am no gourmet cook, so my recipes are usually easy to follow and are always delicious! You will find that cooking at home is healthier and saves you money.

7. Laugh More

Find something to laugh at everyday.
(image credit: Unsplash)

Stop taking yourself so seriously! Take time every day to try to find the humor in life. Read a funny story, watch a funny animal video on Twitter, watch a comedy movie, make up a Tik Tok dance, change the lyrics to a song or commercial jingle to add some humor.

With all of the bad news on TV and popping up on your phone all day, it is especially important now to lighten up and enjoy a laugh now and then. Be observant. There are funny things happening all around us if we are looking for them. Did your dog just do something funny? Did your child just say something funny? What about your hair when you woke up this morning? Now that’s funny!

And did you know that laughter really is good medicine? According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter positively stimulates organs, relieves stress and soothes tension, and improves your immune system and your mood.

8. Stop Comparing

Stop comparing yourself to others! I’m preaching to myself here as well. Our world tends to measure and compare people based on external things. How did we ever get to the place where we think it is OK to base a person’s value on their paycheck or Twitter followers?

Keep in mind that we are usually comparing our worst with their best. People do not often post their “real life” on Facebook. You don’t see people bragging about how their kid brought home straight D’s on their report card or how they are thousands of dollars in debt and can’t get along with anyone in their family.

There will always be people who “seem” better off than you and look like they live a perfect life, so it will always be a losing battle to try to compare your life to that of others. By the way your assumptions about their life being better may actually be completely inaccurate.

Comparison steals your joy and makes you feel ungrateful for what you do have. When you compare you are putting your focus and energy on the wrong person anyway. Your goal should be to become your best you, so instead of wasting energy wishing you had someone else’s life go create your own best life! Only compare yourself to who you were in the past and then applaud your progress!

9. Deal With Clutter

Tackle the clutter and make space for you.
(image credit: Unsplash)

There is so much I could say about the value of de-cluttering your home and life. Without so much visual chaos all around you will feel calmer when you are at home. Cleaning tasks will be easier without so much stuff everywhere, and you will be able to find things you need.

Your home will have a flow to it, since each room has a specific purpose. You won’t have to spend money on things you don’t need or already had but couldn’t find. Now while your calendar is clear and you are home more is the perfect time to do that spring cleaning you’ve been putting off. Go ahead and clean out that closet or junk drawer. You will love the feeling of accomplishment and order it brings.

I just cleaned out our laundry room, and it makes me feel peaceful now when I open the door instead of having to step over all the junk we had “hidden” in there to keep Layla from chewing it. Take care of yourself by creating order and clearing out the clutter.

10. Do What You Love

Make time everyday to do one thing you love.
(image credit: Unsplash)

Maybe this time at home is a good time to do some soul searching. What do you love to do? What are you passionate about? So many times we hear the phrase “do what you love” as it relates to finding your dream job. And this may true to a degree, because a job is not just about money. The right career can make you more productive, inspire others, and make you feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. You are more likely to be successful in your career if you love what you do.

But doing what you love doesn’t just have to be your paying job. Part of self care is taking time now to create space in your life and schedule for the things you love to do, even if they are not your job. I love to travel, play with my dogs, spend time with my husband, be outdoors, sing, and write. And I make sure I fit those things into my life as a way to take care of me. I am fortunate that I get to write about many of those things and make some money with this blog.

Take advantage of this time at home to research ways to improve your current job, find a new job, take an online course, practice a skill, or even start a blog. Take some time each day to do one thing you love.

So Go Take Care of Yourself!

For me this sudden clearing of my calendar has been a huge blessing, because I’ve been able to work on this blog from home. What about you? Life is too precious to be wasted. We all have choices. Each day when we get up we can decide to make it a productive fulfilling day or choose to stay in our pajamas and surf the net all day.

Along with work and home responsibilities it is important to remember that taking care of yourself is also your responsibility. No one else is going to do it for you, and it won’t just happen on it’s own. A healthy you is up to you! No use putting off things that you have time to do now. Self care is all about making time for things that are good for you. Is there anything else you would add to this list?

Tips for organizing your home

Who needs four containers of Parmesan cheese?! Well, that’s what I have now in my pantry. Yesterday I went to the grocery store, and when I went to put the groceries away I couldn’t even fit things in the pantry. And it wasn’t because we have a lot of food. It was because my pantry was so messy and unorganized that I couldn’t even tell what was in there. I realized that I already had three unopened containers of Parmesan cheese and certainly did not need the fourth one I had just bought.

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So I decided to stop procrastinating and take the time to clean out the pantry before I put the groceries away. And do you know what? Not only did it make it easier to put my groceries away but it actually changed my mood! It took me no more then ten minutes, and I immediately felt a sense of calm.

Tips for organizing your home and pantry
Ya’ll don’t judge my food choices now. Just rejoice with me that you can actually see what’s in my pantry! This is not the way it looked 15 minutes earlier.

There are so many benefits to getting organized. It makes it easier to clean your house, you feel less stressed, you can find things when you need them, and you may even sleep better.

So if you are like me and really do like things organized but just don’t know where to start I encourage you to start small. Don’t try to do this all at once. If the job seems too big, you may just give up or put it off for another time that never seems to come around. That’s what I tend to do if something seems overwhelming. So just tackle a little bit every day, and do this day after day.

Here are some simple home organization tips that will help you conquer the clutter and breathe easier.

1. Let it Go

I know some of you just got the “Frozen” tune in your head just now, didn’t you? Well, sorry about that. The first step to getting organized may be just accepting the fact that you do have clutter and being willing to let some things go. You may think you don’t have anything you want to get rid of, but I bet you probably do. We tend to bring new items into our space on a regular basis without even realizing it, and before we know it we have accumulated more and more clutter.

When you own stuff you have to maintain it, store it, clean it, and maybe even insure it. This all takes time and energy. Maybe it is time to enjoy the “less is more” motto and get rid of the things we don’t use or need. Simplify.

Designate how much space you will have for a certain thing and stick with that. So if your sweater drawer is full, for example, you have to donate one before you bring a new one home.

I think we probably all have too much stuff. If we don’t regularly let go of things our stuff can slowly start to overwhelm us. If we don’t want to be featured on the next episode of “Hoarders” we need to make it a regular habit of purging. Once you start getting rid of things you don’t need it will feel so good that you will start looking for more things to purge and will even begin to be more aware of what new things you are bringing into your home.

Don’t let your closet become a dumping ground.

Tackle closet build up. Get rid of extra hangers you don’t use. Pick up clothes off the floor and hang them up, fold them and put them in a drawer, or put them in the laundry hamper. Set a timer for 15 minutes and pull out all the clothes that no longer fit or that you never wear and put them in a donation pile. In our area there is a Goodwill donation spot close to our house that we use. We also have a military veteran’s organization that gives us bags to fill and will come by and pick them up once a month. Most people wear only 20% of their clothes 80% of the time, so at least twice a year it is a good idea to clean out your closet and donate unused items. You might even want to keep a donation bag in each clothes closet. Then maximize the space in your closet. Use hooks for hats and belts, and get a good shoe organizer.

Tips for organizing your home and closets
My closet doubles as our dogs’ “safe place” where they hide during thunderstorms.

2. Prevent Future Clutter

Now that you are starting to get organized and feel better about your home don’t mess it up by going back to the same old habits. Be mindful of what you are doing and create new habits that will prevent future clutter.

When you first enter the house take the time to put away whatever is in your hands. The few minutes spent doing this minimizes clutter that would otherwise end up on the kitchen counter or table. It is just as easy to put something away than to just set it down on the closest surface. When I do this I always intend on putting it away later, but then I get busy and sometimes it sits there for a week or more. Just get in the habit of taking the item to its designated spot right then.

Surround yourself with things you love.

Tips for organizing your home decor and pictures
Go ahead and display the pictures you are proud of. Here I used similar frames and grouped them on an unused wall along the stairs.

You have heard the saying “a place for everything and everything in it’s place?” Well, it is true. To keep my home organized, I have to be mindful of everything I bring in through my door. Everything needs its own home – don’t bring it in unless you know exactly where it’s going to live. I cannot say that I always follow this advice, but when I do it always works.

Tame the Paper Tiger!

For example, papers can end up in piles all over my house if I’m not careful. Paperwork is always better stored vertically rather than in piles. File, don’t pile! Piles are hard to sort through, and papers get lost underneath the top ones. I have used the Neat Company Scanner for years and love it. It stores my files digitally in the cloud and allows me to access them from any device. When it comes to paper you have three choices: Act on it, File it, or Throw it away.

Use Labels.

And make sure to label things. Don’t put a box in the closet or garage without knowing what is in it and labeling it. I am a visual person, so it helps me to have things labeled. I love the Brother Label Maker. I think making labels is actually fun!

Use the right containers.

Having the right containers makes a difference too. Go through all your toiletries and get rid of any medicines past the expiration date. Throw away old makeup every six months, as once it is opened it can be a haven for bacteria. I use an Acylic makeup organizer like this one to keep everything upright on my vanity.

When you are cooking try to put things away right after you use them instead of making a huge mess you have to clean up afterwards. Try to prep ahead of time when you can. Use kitchen organizers to make it easy to find what you need. Store leftover food in glass containers. It is easy to see what is in them, and you can put them in the microwave without fear of chemicals getting into your food from plastic. I use these Pyrex ones.

3. Develop New Habits for the Long Term.

I found Peter Walsh’s book It’s All Too Much to be very helpful. He is strict about getting rid of clutter, but he encourages us to do this in order to make room for the things we truly love. I highly recommend it. If you like reading on a Kindle, Amazon has an awesome program called Kindle Unlimited right now where you can get a free month of unlimited reading and unlimited listening. You can sign up here.

An organized home doesn’t just happen. It is the result of specific habits and daily routines that maintain an organized and neat home long-term. Doing these things helps with time management, money management, and even weight management sometimes!

So let’s tackle our clutter together! Don’t hate on yourself for the way you have let things become. Organizing and decluttering takes time and energy, so it will be worse if you are too hard on yourself while you are doing it. Focus on the goal ahead, not on the past. You can do this!