
Tag Archives: Travel Tips

how to satisfy wanderlust

Wanderlust, originally a German word used to describe the enjoyment of roaming around, now just means a strong desire to travel and explore the world. This travel bug hit me so hard previously that I actually moved to Europe and lived there for four years! If your Spring Break plans got canceled like mine did because of the coronavirus pandemic, you may be a victim of unsatisfied wanderlust. Maybe you’ve spent hours upon hours scrolling through beautiful photographs on the internet (maybe even on my blog), but you’re stuck at home practicing social distancing and you’re sad because all of the global travel bans mean you can’t travel anytime soon.

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I actually have a good job. But some of you may feel trapped in yours, and the only escape you experience is when you are dreaming about your next trip. You may be sitting at your desk right now or at your home office just itching to leave your city. When you have a great vacation coming up the excitement makes it hard to keep your mind on anything else. And when your vacation is over you sometimes go through feelings of withdrawal. Maybe you are stuck in the same old routines, feeling exhausted and uninspired. You work all the time, and the most exciting thing about your weekends is sleeping in and catching up on laundry. None of us could have predicted our current stay-at-home situation caused by the coronavirus. Maybe it’s time to shake things up a little bit. With travel plans on hold it may just be time for a staycation.

Here are 10 ways to satisfy wanderlust and relieve travel withdrawal while at home:

1. Get Outside

Not an outdoorsy person? Well, now may the perfect time to become one. The weather in my city has been very rainy lately, but spring usually means warmer weather. So if weather permits in your area go ahead and get outdoors and get active. Even moderate exercise raises the endorphin levels in your brain and lifts your mood.

There is a lot you can do outdoors without getting too close to people and putting yourself at risk. My husband and I have enjoyed walking our dogs around a path at our local park. Besides walking your dog you can take a hike, go on a picnic, go to the lake, run, ride your bike, do yard work, maybe even take a nap in a hammock. Being outdoors and surrounding yourself with nature can be very therapeutic.

We love to look at this beautiful cherry tree in our backyard.

2. Explore a New Neighborhood

This one you can do without ever leaving your car. Drive down a new road you’ve never been on before. Maybe check out a new housing development you’ve been curious about. Look at the houses and yards and get ideas for your own. If you are still going to an office everyday try taking the long, scenic way home after work one day. It’s the little things sometimes that can cheer us up in surprising ways. When you get to a particularly beautiful spot, park your car, get out, and just soak it in. Listen to the sounds. Take a picture. Be a person who takes notice of your surroundings.

Take the longer scenic route home. photo from Unsplash

3. Sit and Watch the Sunset

So many times in the evenings I find myself rushing around with dinner, feeding the dogs, working, and other tasks and may occasionally glance out the window and notice a beautiful pink hue in the sky. But I am always too busy to go out and enjoy it and often am not near a good viewing point to really see it well. While you are at home more now, take the time to spend an hour or so just sitting outside, watching the sky change colors.

There’s underrated beauty in this golden hour no matter what’s going on in your life. Maybe you live near a hill or mountain where you can hike up and see an awesome view. But the cool thing about the sunset is that you can see it anywhere in the world, so you are not missing out on this simple luxury by staying at home. It doesn’t matter if you are alone or with someone you love, this often missed wonder is free of charge.

Sunset view from our front yard this fall.

4. Challenge Yourself To Try or Learn Something New

One of the reasons that travel can be so life changing is that it gets you out of your comfort zone, and that may be mostly because you are trying new things. But who says you have to travel to try new things? You can do this at home. There are so many free tutorials or lessons on YouTube and elsewhere online. You can learn anything from how to use a new computer program to photography, painting, learning a new language or how to play a musical instrument. If you have kids at home now check out my current list of 30 free educational websites here.

There are so many new things you can learn while on a staycation. photo from Unsplash

5. Make a Travel Music Playlist

Italy is one of my favorite countries. I could just eat and drink my way through the entire country. Well, maybe not now. It is on the “Essential Travel Only” list and has a high rate of coronaviris cases. I like Italy so much that once when I was single I gave myself an Italian themed birthday party. I strung little white lights all around my apartment, had special table cloths with little Chianti bottle candles, and played Andrea Bocelli Italian opera music.

Many times when we travel we hear unfamiliar music that is popular in the culture of our vacation destination. Maybe singing and dancing is an integral part of the culture as I saw when in Kenya. Have you ever fallen in love with a country and the music that is an integral part of everyday life there? If you are feeling nostalgic about your trip, you can relive the sounds and remember the good times you had there. And if you’re home alone, sing along as loudly as you can. Your dog won’t care!

Make a travel music playlist to satisfy wanderlust. photo by Unsplash

6. Try Cooking an International Dish

Trying different food is a big part of travelling for many of us. So since we are not currently travelling or even going to restaurants this is the perfect time to try new international recipes at home. You can check videos and blogs for things you’d like to try and then just go for it! It doesn’t have to be fancy – Taco Tuesday anyone? Who says you have to leave the country to experience the flavors of the world? If you are a kindred spirit and love all things Italian try my easy recipe for homemade spaghetti meat sauce.

Satisfy wanderlust with international cuisine. photo by Unsplash

7. Take a Virtual Tour

There are some awesome virtual tours on the internet that you can enjoy from home. Many museums such as the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History have 360 degree tours that make it feel like you are actually there. You can “walk” through tropical waters to the icy tundra in this floor-by-floor tour of the famous, Baltimore-based National Aquarium. Now you can even experience Walt Disney World from your living room virtually – even while it is closed!

Take a virtual museum tour.

8. Shop Online for Travel Needs

One of my favorite things to do when I travel to a new place is to check out all the cute little gift shops, book stores, and coffee shops in the town. Well why can’t we do that online? Pick a place you’d love to visit and search online for suggested shops there. Then check out their website and browse. Maybe order a T-shirt or souvenir from their online store.

And what about travel accessories you might need for your next trip? Whether it is a new suitcase, backpack, shoulder bag, passport holder, money holder, travel wallet, or luggage tag, I get so excited about getting new things to take on my trip. What did you wish you had with you on your last trip? Now may be the time to stock up on your travel needs by ordering them online.

Tips From a Travel Agent
Shop online for travel accessories.

9. Organize Your Photos From Past Trips

Looking through pictures and videos of past trips and adventures is a great way to satisfy your wanderlust. It will motivate you to keep saving for your next trip, and who doesn’t love remembering fun times had on vacation? Do you have boxes of old travel photos collecting dust on a top shelf in your closet or lots of unorganized files taking up space on your hard drive? Why not use this time to organize them? You can arrange them into beautiful albums or create a scrapbook. One of my favorite Christmas presents this year was a beautiful wall calendar filled with pictures from my step daughter and her husband’s trip to New Zealand. There are lots of online companies that will turn your photos into a memorable calendar or coffee table book.

Now is a great time to organize your old travel photos. image by Unsplash

And if you are really motivated, learn how to start your own money making travel blog. It may be one of the best decisions you ever make! Just want to get your feet wet? You can start with this free course Start a Blogging Business 5-Day Crash Course. Already have a blog? Maybe you already have a blog set up and are trying to get more traffic so that you can get advertisers to work with you and make money. Well, I’m going to let you in on a secret. I have discovered a secret weapon for blogging that has transformed my business, and it can for yours too. It is called SEMRush. This awesome tool shows you how to use key words to optimize your site for greater SEO. Try it out, and if you decide you don’t need to focus on SEO you can always cancel. There is no long term commitment. I dare you to try SEMRush for one month and see what a difference it can make for your blog or website!

Start a travel blog image by Unsplash

10. Research and Plan Your Next Trip

So, you’ve started saving money for travel and you have a destination (or destinations) in mind. Now it’s time to start planning your next adventure. Making actual travel plans instead of just dreaming of a vacation will definitely help satisfy wanderlust. This stay-at-home situation will not last forever. We will travel again. And when we do, you will want to be ready. Everyone may all be trying to make travel plans at the same time, so planning now can get you ahead of the game. Researching places to stay, attractions, and restaurants can be really fun. Check out my Pinterest board for ideas. Maybe you can create your own “bucket list” board

Think through all the logistics. How will you get there and how will you get around once you are there? What is your budget? Where will you stay? What attractions will you visit? Finding all these answers can take a lot of time, but as you see the plan finally come together you will get super excited. There are tons of resources online to help you plan your dream trip, so use this time at home now to do some of the background work.

Satisfy wanderlust by planning your next trip. image by Unsplash

Putting it All Together

Your wanderlust may not ever be completely cured, because great traveling experiences usually only make you want to travel more, but I hope some of these ideas will make the waiting easier. I hope you will take a few moments out of your normal routine to gain a new perspective on your surroundings. That’s what this stay-safe-at-home mandate is allowing all of us to do. Our world is filled with wonder, and even though you can’t leave your home right now to travel to a new destination, with a little creativity you can find ways to experience new things right in your own backyard.

So, tell me, what do you do when you want to travel but can’t? Do you have any other ideas? Let me know in the comments below!

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney’s Animal Kingdom was so much fun! Richard and I had the opportunity to visit in November on my birthday (I won’t tell you how old I am, but I will say that Disney always brings out the kid in all of us). Disney’s Animal Kingdom park is a Walt Disney World theme park near Orlando, Florida. It is sort of a theme park/zoo with daily and nightly attractions and experiences, including the new Pandora – The World of Avatar, which had our favorite ride in it. Here are ten things we loved about it, and we think you will love it too.

1. Animals in Their Natural Habitats

The park is divided into different “continents,” and each one has restaurants with food from that area as well as shows and attractions that go along with that continent, like Asia or Africa. My favorite area for animals was Africa, but there were animals in every continent. On the Discovery Island Trails (near the Tree of Life) we saw a swan, flamingos, deer, a lemur, and a kangaroo. The Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail is also a great place to see animals like monkeys and meerkats. There were also tons of different kinds of birds that you wouldn’t normally see anywhere else.

In Asia the Maharajah Jungle Trek is very cool. That’s where you can see tigers and a komodo dragon. The walk itself is beautiful. It’s a self-guided tour, where you cross over towering footbridges, curve around jungle foliage views, and see some amazing waterfalls. If you walk into the aviary you hear lots of chirping from over 50 species of birds that fly free. If you love to look at birds don’t miss this. I love all things animal, so I was definitely in my element for sure. What’s great about this place though is that the animals were not behind bars but in safe areas that were just like their natural habitats. So even though the rides and shows are great in this park, make sure you take time to see some of the animals too. Legend has it that the Anandapur Royal Forest was once the hunting ground of wealthy maharajahs, but now people can walk into what looks like a real lush tropical paradise.

2. Tree of Life

In the middle of Discovery Island is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is a 145-foot sculpture, but it looks like a real baobab tree. It is supposed to be based on mythology. On the trunk and branches are 325 carvings of different animal species. The longer I stood there and looked at it the more I spotted. There are tons of real trees and gardens in the park, so this is one of the few artificial ones. You really can’t miss it. It is almost in the direct center of the park, and it is huge!

The Tree of Life Awakenings begin at dark and occur about every 10 minutes until the park closes, so try to stop by there if you are in the park at night. It slowly lights up with animations. At first flickering fireflies magically appear and stir to life the animal spirits in the tree’s towering trunk. Little by little parts of the tree light up with dazzling color and animated imagery. There are scenes like a young doe going on a journey, a love story between hummingbirds, a sly fox, and more. It is neat to see.

3. A Bug’s Life Show

At the base of the Tree of Life is the entrance to the 428-seat theater inside the tree that hosts It’s Tough to Be a Bug! This is totally worth seeing – even for us adults. While you wait in line you get 3-D glasses to put on. The film is based on the 1998 Disney/Pixar film A Bug’s Life, and it is so well done! There are animated characters in the theater plus some of the best 3-D technology I’ve ever experienced. The show is funny, and the 3-D effects seemed very real. I don’t want to spoil the surprises at the end, but I will say, “Hold on to your seat!”

4. Festival of The Lion King Show

Located in Africa, this show is a must-see. I loved the Lion King musical on Broadway (I’ve seen it twice), and I thought the musical talent in this show was right up there with Broadway. The colorful costumes, audience participation, singing, and dancing were all spectacular. Check out my video at the end of this blog for a little sampling.

The audience is divided into four “tribes” who all join the members of the Pride Lands for a beautiful colorful celebration in honor of Simba, the lion cub who would be king. When the lights dim, you hear the sounds of the African savanna. And then amazing colors fill the stage in the center when gigantic puppets, dancers with extravagant costumes, amazing acrobats, stilt walkers, and a fire dancer emerge. It is truly spectacular. I loved hearing some of my favorite songs from the Lion King movie like “Hakuna Matata” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” And the spectacular finale includes a beautiful rendition of “Circle of Life.”

5. Kilimanjaro Safari

And speaking of Africa – I had the opportunity to visit the real continent of Africa and go on a real safari once, so I have to admit I did not expect a safari in a theme park to be this good. But of course everything Disney does is top-notch. You ride in an open air rugged safari vehicle, driven by an expert guide as you explore the Harambe Wildlife Reserve. Our guide said it is home to 34 species living in 110 acres of open plains, shady forest landscapes and rocky wetlands. She pointed out animals and shared lots of wildlife facts during our expedition. As I have mentioned before, I love animals so I had a great time.

6. Pandora – World of Avatar at Night

What is Pandora at Disney’s Animal Kingdom? This area is fairly new and is themed after the record-breaking, box-office hit film Avatar. Even if you have not seen the movie you will enjoy the lush world of Pandora that exists supposedly long after the human conflict with the Na’vi has ended. It is pretty in the daytime, but it is transformed into a glowing wonderland at night with bioluminescent flora and detailed lighting that gives Pandora a sort of dreamlike quality. There is so much to do and see in Pandora, but our favorite is next on my list.

7. Avatar – Flight of Passage

I will just tell you what I kept saying over and over during this entire ride: “Oh, wow!” I know this sounds like I am exaggerating, but it is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced. My husband says the same thing. It seemed so real! When you are in line you go through this whole science lab simulation where you learn how an Avatar is created. Then they pretend to “scan your DNA” and change you into a creature who can ride a banshee, which are these winged dragon-like things.

So what is the ride? You actually get on a motorcycle type thing and look at a giant screen with 3-D goggles on. The 3-D technology is amazing! That along with other special effects like your seat tilting and a light spray in your face when it seems like you are falling down a waterfall make it seem so real. Can you imagine straddling the back of a wing-flapping banshee, darting and swirling through the canyon, over oceans, down waterfalls, through trees? Avatar Flight of Passage will transport you on an amazing, simulated flight over Pandora’s colorful landscape.The scenery was absolutely beautiful! You’ll soar around floating mountains, plunge through ancient caverns, and skim across roaring oceans, leading to a realistic encounter with the fiercest king of the air, the Great Leonopteryx that boasts a 45-foot wingspan. And it definitely is realistic. I was a little scared, as it felt like I was flying at top speed down a canyon. I had to keep telling myself, “It’s not real. It’s not real.” But I promise you, it seemed so real! If you have to pick one ride not to miss in Disney’s Animal Kingdom this is it.

8. Expedition Everest – The Legend of Forbidden Mountain

Now moving over into Asia (it seems like we spent most of our time in Africa and Asia). This is another “Oh wow!” ride, but truth be told I wasn’t saying anything at all during this ride. That’s because I was screaming my head off in sheer terror the entire time. Well, maybe I am exaggerating but it was really scary to me. Not really having a clue we just got in line and got ourselves locked into the seat ready to go. Then it took off, and oh man! It starts off in a Tibetan village at the base of Mount Everest. Then before you know it you are racing through icy Himalayan peaks on a speeding train while avoiding running into the mythical Yeti. This legendary snow monster supposedly lives deep in the mountain, and there are signs all along the way warning of him.

There is a super steep ascent at first. And I will say that that’s all we saw from the park. We just saw the train going up a steep hill and into a mountain. I think if we had seen what happens once that train disappears into the mountain we might have chickened out. Anyway, after this steep ascent, your train picks up speed and races into the darkness. Without warning, a broken and twisted track with a huge dropoff appears in front of you, and it looks like you will fall off the cliff to your death. But you have to brace yourself as you are hurled backward into total darkness. Inside the cavern, the mythical tale comes true as you see the shadow of a massive, growling creature……the Yeti! I should have known better when I read the signs warning: “Some parts of Expedition Everest may be scary for children. This attraction features loud noises, fast drops, high speeds, dark places and frightening creature effects.” Well, who knew? It was one of those things that scared me so much it was fun.

9. Fast Track Passes

When we first entered the park a very helpful worker there helped us download the Disney app, create an account, and make our fast pass reservations. Disney FastPass is a service included with your ticket purchase and lets you reserve access to select rides, attractions, and entertainment. It is so awesome to be able to walk right past all the people standing in the long lines and get in the special much shorter Fast Pass line. We were able to choose three attractions, and the park worker helped us choose the ones that would be more popular. You can make selections as early as 30 days before you arrive, so some were already booked by the time we figured this out. If you are staying in a Disney hotel you can make your FastPass+ selections up to 60 days prior to check-in for the entire length of your stay. You have to link your park admission to your account, but a Disney employee can help you do that. And the best part? There is no extra charge for this complimentary benefit.

10. Great Food

The cool thing about the Disney app linked to your park admission is that you can make reservations for specific times at the restaurants. Each “continent” in Disney’s Animal Kingdom has restaurants with food from that geographical area. We ate in Asia at “Yak and Yeti,” and it was delicious! But there is lots of great food everywhere including “Tusker House” and “The Rainforest Cafe.”

Have you been to Disney’s Animal Kingdom? What was your favorite part? Please leave a comment below, and share my post with others. I appreciate it! I hope you enjoy my video. 🙂

A teacher I work with, Leigh Turner, used to work for an airline. I recently asked her some random questions I’ve always wanted to know about airline travel. Her answers were very interesting. I hope you find some helpful tips here. Let me know your airline travel stories by leaving a comment. Leigh said, “I can only answer these from a ticket agent/gate agent perspective. I’m sure flight attendants will have a whole other list of do’s and don’t’s!”

* Things airline workers wish passengers would stop doing or things they would love to tell passengers but can’t because they need to keep a job or keep the peace.




Do not stuff your suitcase full and expect that it will arrive in the same condition. Overpacked luggage has been known to bust open.

* What kind of luggage is best? What about luggage locks?

Any luggage is fine. I have never locked my luggage but then again I don’t pack anything worth stealing. I will say I had a fake Louis Vuitton duffel bag stolen in Milwaukee. After that experience I never traveled with expensive luggage again. Do not check breakables. They will probably become broken.

* Reasons luggage gets lost. Can it be avoided? Prevented?

There are many different reasons from simple human error to late connections to lazy workers. The main way you can reduce your chances of lost luggage is to arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes- one hour before departure. What the traveler CAN do is to ALWAYS put identification on the outside AND inside of your luggage. As a reminder don’t ever check anything that you can’t easily replace. Between the ramp workers and TSA, there may be people going through your luggage. Jewelry, medicines, expensive purses, etc. should not be in your checked luggage.

* Why do they ask us to turn off our cell phones on a plane?

Not sure

* When is the best time to buy tickets? I’ve heard Tuesdays. Is that true?

That’s what I have heard too! Sign up for price alerts is the best way to monitor fare sales.

* How can being polite really help your travel experience? As with any customer service experience, you can catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar. Long story short, don’t cause a scene or make inappropriate jokes, you can and will be removed from a flight and/or denied boarding.

Weather is uncontrollable…that’s why it is referred to as an “act of God.”  Every employee working your flight wants it to be on time too and wants your luggage to arrive with you!

* Packing tips – Roll, roll, roll all of your shirts, sweaters, and pants. Tuck underwear and socks into shoes, pack LIGHT!! Avoid checking luggage unless you must. For international travel I never carry a purse. I always use a backpack.

* What do the huge numbers on the runway mean?

Those numbers refer to the runway number. The runway numbers are based on 360 degrees. For example, in Memphis runways 9 and 27 run east and west. They represent 90 degrees and 270 degrees in a circle. Additionally, there are runways 36 and 18. Those refer to 360 degrees and 180 degrees.

* Things passengers don’t know about air travel:

Airplanes are an incredibly safe way to travel; much safer than driving. Airplanes are chilly, dress accordingly. Weather affects air travel. It may be sunny and beautiful in Memphis but If your aircraft is coming from San Francisco and they have delays due to fog, your flight may be delayed. IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE AIRLINES! Trust me, they want it to be on time too, late flights cause a chain reaction for the rest of the day!

* Are the tray tables really clean?

It depends. If your aircraft is the first trip of the day then, yes its clean. If your aircraft has a quick turnaround, meaning it pulls into the gate unloads and reloads, then no. No one has had the time to clean all of the trays.  

* Is the water OK to drink?

Technically yes, however I would avoid it if possible. The taste will be different and the holding tanks are not as clean as your home. 

* Is it really better to fly early in the day?

Not really. Fly when you want to!! However, your chances of your flights being on time are better the earlier you fly.

* Where is the best place to sit on an airplane? Back? Aisle?

This is personal preference. When I traveled with my small children, I preferred the back. The engines were louder which tended to drown out the whining and/or crying. Personally, I don’t like to be over the wing because I love to look at the scene unfolding outside of the window. If you are someone who needs to use the restroom often, then by all means, get an aisle seat!

* Is it true that if you check in late you will get your bags first?

Not necessarily true. The later you check in, the more you run the risk of your luggage not making the flight. Also, when you check in later, then yes, your luggage will be some of the last luggage loaded and obviously some the first unloaded. However, most of the time the rampers have many luggage carts to fill and don’t leave the aircraft until all luggage has been unloaded.

* Comment on dress code – how it has changed, etc.:

As a general rule, society has become much more “relaxed” in their dress code. 

* Comment on flying pets

Where??? Did that monkey just start flying?? Just kidding. It can be expensive and very stressful for your pet. PLEASE see your vet ahead of time and get your pet some anxiety reducing meds – same for you if you need it. Generally, it is safe and the employees are well trained and love pets too just know that accidents could happen. Personally, I have never traveled with my pet nor would I want to.

* What’s with the first class line?

You pay more, you get treated better! LOL

* Are the blankets and pillows cleaned?

Yes, however, if you are the first flight of the day your chances are higher that you are the first one to use it. If you are a germaphobe, flying may not be the best way for someone to travel.

* What do you know/what can you recommend about airline reward programs and reward credit cards?

I would highly recommend them. Check with Consumer Reports or a similar type magazine for comparisons.

* What to bring on the airplane:

Depends on the length of the flight. For short domestic flights; snacks, earbuds, a book, magazine, and or crossword book will be fine. For longer international flights, all of the above plus socks, and possibly compression socks and I like a blow up neck pillow.

* Anything else 🙂

For long flights, drink lots of water and keep your shoes on. Your feet may swell!

Try to stay away from alcohol – it enhances swelling.

Dress in comfortable layers.

Once the door has been closed, if there is an empty seat somewhere just ask the flight attendant if you can move.

For international travel or trips that will involve shopping, leave room in your suitcase for your purchases or plan to carry them onboard.

Read over the TSA website and the airline website and review what you can and can’t take on board and put in your luggage. Make sure your carry- on luggage fits the size of the bins on the aircraft. You can find this on the airline’s website.

Fully research your destination.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the adventure!!!

I hope you enjoyed reading these tips. Do you have any to add? Any interesting flight stories to share? I’d love to hear from you.