When you’re used to gathering around the table with family, attending religious services, and partipating in annual traditions, the thought of having to celebrate a holiday remotely can feel pretty disappointing. There has been so much isolation and change in routine lately with social distancing. Missing out on favorite holiday traditions can magnify feelings of loneliness and make it a tough time for many.
Easter, Passover, and Ramadan will all happen during the coronavirus lockdown. However, even if the festivities might look a little different this year, with a little creativity we can celebrate anyway! Here are some ideas for celebrating Easter, which is my favorite holiday:
Visit Virtually With Friends and Family
Thanks to modern technology with applications such as FaceTime and Skype, and video conferencing platforms like Zoom it is so easy to feel that sense of connection with others, even when you are not physically with them. You can organize a virtual Easter lunch with extended family or watch a church service together. For those who you do not connect with through technology you can go old school and make some phone calls.
Wear What You Want
OK, so if you’re like me and have been living in yoga pants and T-shirts for the past few weeks (no judgement from me at all by the way), maybe it’s still OK to rock that Easter dress or dress the little ones in the clothes you had already picked out for them. You can still shoot that family photo, maybe in the backyard with some flowers in the background.
Personally, I am a little relieved that I don’t have to go look for an Easter dress this year. Every year our choir has a certain color scheme, and I have to try to find a solid color dress (this is hard to with all the floral dresses on sale) that won’t make me look too fat on the big screen at church when I sing. How’s that for transparency?
But if you are the type who loves shopping for a new dress or suit every year why not order one online from a local boutique? Small businesses could really use our support right now anyway.
Tune in to a Church Service

Because of social distancing we cannot gather in large groups. This will be the first time in my life (even as a baby) that I have not attended a church service on Easter weekend. At my current church I sing in the choir and usually sing in all six of the Easter services. About 17,000 people attend my church for Easter weekend every year. It is a large multi-ethnic church with tremendously talented musicians. The music is outstanding!

Many churches will be live streaming or showing recorded services online this year. If your own church doesn’t stream services you can virtually “visit” another church for Easter. Many popular services are also televised for the holiday. Why not check out one of these from home? If you want to check mine out here is the link with the information. Easter is my favorite holiday because of the reason for the season, so I’ll “be there” virtually.
Give To Others
Make a special holiday online donation to your church or a non-profit organization you believe in or mail a check. In my state of Tennessee the Red Cross and Samaritan’s Purse are accepting donations for tornado relief in Nashville.
If you know how to sew you could make facemasks to donate. Your local food pantry, animal hospital, or struggling small businesses would love some help. It feels good to do things for others, and Easter is a perfect time to extend our generosity.
Make a playlist of your favorite worship tunes.

This doesn’t replace your own church’s music, but a well-chosen playlist of Easter songs will uplift your spirits all day. You and your family can sing along, even if it is only a joyful noise. Here’s a list of the Top 40 Easter Worship Songs for 2020.
Dye Easter Eggs

I’m not really sure what eggs and bunnies have to do with the real meaning of Easter, but if you have small children it is still fun to channel your creativity into some good old egg art.
The best way to prepare eggs for decorating is to put the eggs in a pot large enough to hold them all in one layer on the bottom, then cover the eggs with about an inch of water. Add a little vinegar to the water (about 1 tablespoon), then bring the water to a boil and let the eggs boil for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let the eggs sit in the covered pot for 12 minutes. Then you’re good to go! You can even dye them with Kool-Aid powder!
Have an Easter Egg Hunt

If you have young children you can have an Easter egg hunt in your backyard. You don’t need a neighborhood or school egg hunt party. You can set up your own hunt in your yard or house, and your children will have just as much fun! Don’t worry about getting an elaborate Easter basket. Just go to the store with a list, get some candy, get out, then go home and wash your hands.
However, lately since people are shopping as if a Zombie Apocolypse is happening tomorrow and the only things that can save them are eggs and toilet paper, you may want to use plastic eggs. They might be easier to find in the store. Some people even like them better, because you can hide candy inside.
Make an Easter Brunch

Who cares if you don’t have company coming over, just pull out the nice dishes and table cloth, and put some flowers from your yard in a vase in the center. I’m a southern gal, and here in the south we celebrate everything with food. You may be used to going out after church for Easter brunch or having a meal with extended family. But this year is a great time to begin a new tradition of cooking.
Don’t like to cook? No worries. Try making a fancy salad or these yummy Spinach Cheese Hot Pockets. Then add my Luscious Lemon Pound Cake for dessert. Maybe you can just pick one new recipe and try it this year, then each year try one more new recipe. Check my blog for a new recipe almost every week.

If you normally look forward to a favorite dish your aunt always brings call her for the recipe and try it yourself. Maybe you can even hold a virtual cooking challenge with remote family members. You can set up a Zoom video conference with a family member or friend and talk while you are preparing and eating the meal. Just prop your tablet or phone up on a stand and host a group chat meal. It will feel like you are eating together!
Watch an Easter Movie
There are lots of Easter movies out on Netflix. My favorite though is always the television show “It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown.” After the egg hunt and brunch is over, get in your PJ’s, gather the family and some popcorn and enjoy a great holiday movie together.
This is a tradition we usually reserve for Thanksgiving, but the uncertain times we are currently living in makes this a great time to practice gratefulness. While you are eating brunch, have everyone go around and share one thing they are thankful for. Focus on the positive!
Have a Drive By Party
Decorate your car with signs, balloons, and streamers and drive by friends and relatives’ homes. Yell and wave from a safe distance. Some neighborhoods have put pictures of eggs in their windows so that children can have an Easter egg “hunt” when riding by and spotting them. Do what you can to make it a festive day.
Whatever you decide to do make it special!
How will you celebrate the holidays this year at home? Do you have any other ideas? Leave a comment below.