Looking for some great stay at home date ideas? We do not have kids in the home at this stage in our lives, but we still find it a challenge to think of creative and affordable dates out on the town sometimes. Maybe you have kids, but are looking for fun ways of spending time together after you get the kids to bed.
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We both have stressful full-time jobs in addition to my side hustle (this blog) and often just do not have the energy to go out at the end of a long week. We also live in a small suburb over 30 minutes from the city of Memphis and just don’t feel like driving downtown much. Going out occasionally can be really fun, but you don’t have to be extravagant to have a special night together.
Your circumstances for staying home might be different than ours. If you are reading this the month I’m writing it we are currently under stay-at-home quarantine orders, so we really don’t have a choice but to stay in. Maybe you have kids and that makes it difficult to go out. Maybe you are on a tight budget.
Whatever the reason, I have a list of fun ideas for you to enjoy as a couple at home. Maybe you will get some ideas of things to do instead of just playing video games or watching Netflix (nothing wrong with movie night though). Besides being fun, these great ideas will also save you money!

20 Date Night Ideas You Can
Enjoy at Home
1. Game Night
When was the last time you had a game night just with your spouse? Set out some wine or soda and snacks and if you are competitive like me make a bet with your spouse. My favorite bet involves winning a foot rub. It can be a board game, card game, or any game really.

2. Theme Night
Choose a theme and center everything on your date around that theme. If you watch a movie make the dinner match (for example watch “Joy Luck Club” and eat Asian food). Play music and even dress up to match the theme. Sample themes might be Marvel characters, Oscars Night, International Night, Wrestling, Country, you get the idea.
3. Play “Would You Rather”
Make a pact not to talk about work or the kids or anything else but each other. Play “Would You Rather?” These are a series of bizarre questions where you have to choose between two things. You may learn something new about your spouse when listening to the answers to these thought provoking and sometimes silly questions.
4. Karaoke Night
Have a karaoke night. If you like to sing (even if it sounds terrible) this is a fun date night activity. Look up song lyrics on YouTube and sing along. Try a sappy love song duet. Go ahead, no one’s listening. Take turns picking the song, and if you’re really daring try out some of the dance moves from muisc videos. Be prepared to laugh.
5. Go on a Picnic
If the weather is good eat outside for a change. Maybe even plan some signature picnic foods – things you only eat on picnics. If the weather is bad spread out a blanket and eat on the floor inside the house. We couldn’t do this, because our two dogs would come over and try to help themselves, but it is a fun idea. If the timing is right you might even be able to watch the sunset together outside.
6. Make Bread
Bread is one of those things that takes a long time make, because you have to wait for the dough to rise. So this is a good food to bake when you are not in a hurry. I have a bread maker machine, and you can make all kinds of variations of bread by adding in things like cheese or spices. But you don’t have to have a bread machine. You can use a good bread recipe and get creative all on your own. And hot buttered bread right from the oven is so delicious!
7. Eat by Candlelight
Any dinner feels more romantic by candlelight, even pizza. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Another idea is to pretend the electricity is out. Really. No Wi Fi. Tell stories, play games, eat by candlelight. Maybe get a fire going in the firplace and make s’mores. See if you can go old school and go an entire night without checking your phone or turning on the television.

8. Tell Stories
Write out the story of how you met and fell in love, then read them to each other. Or video yourselves telling the story. What a cool thing to give your kids one day! Also, you can get it back out and watch it again or read it every anniversary to remind yourselves of the details of your love story.
9. Have a Camp Out
When we were first married we would sometimes put the mattress on the living room floor in front of the fire in the fireplace and sleep there for the night. It was just something a little different than the norm and that made it feel cozy and romantic.
By the way having a good mattress is so important for getting a good night’s sleep whether it is on a bed frame or on the floor in your living room. I recommend Puffy mattresses, and believe me it is worth the investment.
Try making a tent in the living room like you used to do when you were a kid and sleep on a blow-up air mattress and sleeping bags. You can even make s’mores or other camping type foods.
10. Movie Marathon
Binge watch as many movies as you can with a certain theme – like a certain genre or actor (James Bond or Star Wars for example). Try to remember the lines and act out some of the scenes together.
11. Discover Your Love Languages
Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a popular book called The 5 Love Languages which helps you discover the way you and your spouse prefer to give and receive love. You can take the quiz for free here, but I encourage you to buy the book if you haven’t read it yet.
This should bring up some very interesting conversations as you try to figure out how to speak your spouse’s love language, which may be very different from your own.

12. Have a Tasting Party
A tasting party can be for anything: wine tasting, chocolate, cheese, whatever. Set up tasting stations with cards to write responses on. Play some instrumental music in the background and pretend you are at a fancy smancy high priced ticketed event or an exclusive vineyard. Plan ahead and buy mini cheese boards or tasting glasses to really make it authentic.
13. Crazy Question Time
Here is a list of fun questions to help you get to know each other better even if you’ve been married a long time. You can even guess what you think your spouse will answer then write it down. That way there is no cheating if you decide to make it a game and keep score.
- What is your favorite thing about your spouse?
- What’s your favorite memory of us dating?
- What is your least favorite food?
- What is a hobby you’d like to try?
- What’s one goal you’d like to achieve by the end of the year?
- What’s your favorite childhood memory?
- Which celebrity couple would your spouse compare you to?
- If your spouse could choose one thing of yours to get rid of , what would it be?
- Who said “I love you” first?
- What do you remember the most from our wedding day?
- What’s something that would surprise me about you?
- What is your greatest fear?
Focus on the Family has an awesome list of conversation starters for date nights to help you get started talking and getting closer together as a couple.
14. Exercise Together
As I write this, the spring weather where I live has been beautiful lately. We have enjoyed watching a bluebird raise her babies in the birdhouse in our yard. Click here for more information on how to attract bluebirds to your yard. Get outside and walk the dogs, run together, or ride bikes.
If you are staying inside, try one of the many online exercise classes. Try yoga or stretching and let off some of the stress from the day.
15. Spa at Home
This is a fun one. Pretend that you are spending the evening in a high priced luxury spa with a treatment of “the works.” Light candles, play some relaxing instrumental piano music.
Don your robes and slippers and make face masks, do facial scrubs, and have foot soaks and bath treatments. Drink water with cucumbers in it, paint your nails, give massages, and just relax.
16. Travel to Another Country
Make a dinner that reminds you of a country you have visited in the past or have always wanted to travel to. Make pasta for Italy, sushi for Japan, enchiladas for Mexico, fondue for Switzerland, corned beef for Ireland, you get the idea. Play music from that country’s culture and maybe even watch a movie set in the country you want to visit.
You might even take this time to actually plan your next vacation or that dream trip you’d like to take someday. This is a great way to cure wanderlust without actually traveling. And you will have a head start on your vacation plan for when you do travel.

17. His and Hers Bucket List
Come up with a list of all the things you’d like to experience as a couple – adventures you want to share, things you want to learn together, places you’d like to visit, restaurants you’d like to try, and the types of dates you’d like to go on. Then take turns every month doing some of the things on the list. One month you get to pick, and the next month your spouse can choose.
18. Write Love Letters
Take some time to sit down and write a love letter to each other, telling your spouse all the things you appreciate and admire about him or her. You can decide to read them to each other right then, or you can save them for a special occasion.
19. Visit a Museum Together
Did you know that lots of museums and art galleries have virtual tours you can take online? Experience “walking” through the halls of famous places together and tell each other which pieces of art you like. For a list of places you can visit virtually with links click here.
20. Get a Fancy Dessert Delivered
You can save money by cooking at home then splurge on a fancy dessert. Think of an expensive restaurant you have always wanted to try then order one dessert to share. You can use a meal delivery service.
Or you could get lots of toppings ahead of time and make a giant ice cream sundae to eat together at home.
21. Do a Puzzle Together
The good thing about doing a puzzle together is that if you do it without the television on and decide to put your phones away you have nothing else to do while fitting pieces together but to talk. Set out a charcuterie board and drinks and just enjoy a relaxing time of being together and having conversation.
22. Look at Old Photos Together
Look through old photos and tell stories or reminisce about the good times. Look at childhood pictures and ask about each other’s families. Maybe even pick some digital ones that you want to print and frame or make a photo book out of.
According to Psychology Today, date nights are not a luxury; they are a necessity for a healthy marriage. The small amount of planning and creativity it takes to experience a great date night at home will pay off big dividends in the end. Investing in your love for each other by spending quality time together is always worth the effort, and these ideas will help jump start your thinking as you plan your own stay-at-home date nights.
What at-home date night ideas for couples do you like the most? Please share your throughts in the comments below! And if you like this post, please pin it and share it!